Wednesday, August 19, 2009

I stumbled upon these interesting reads...

Morgan in Africa

Morgan, a young American, is an aid worker living in Africa (mainly Rwanda and Barundi). She explains her experiences in Rwanda as a development intern with UNHCR in the first phase of her blog. Later on, she returns to the neighbouring Barundi as an executive with an international organization.

Through her blog, she took me on a journey into Rwanda - a country healing from a horrible past. The Rwandan markets, food, hotels, houses, and people come alive in her posts.

She loves her goat brochettes, bonds with her Rwandan friends and learns to beat the sweltering summer and the ever-present mosquitos.

The lady even learned the Rwandan language and has a lengthy dictionary posted online. She delves into the history of the country and the current state of political affairs in her blog. A bit controversial (maybe), definitely informative and a rare look into Africa.

I have to admit that I read Morgan's blog from cover to cover (meaning from the first post to the most recent in blog parlance). It is an extraordinary look into African culture and customs through the eyes of a Washingtonian. You can find her blog here: Morgan in Africa

Diary of a White Indian Housewife

Being a housewife in India is a tad bit difficult for even the seasoned Indian woman. The traditions, culture and communal bonds can be stifling. Then, imagine a white Australian lady married to an Indian man living in a chaotic metropolis like Mumbai...

That is Sharrel's story. She has stuck on in India for more than a couple of years beating all odds. Her take on life in India with its never-ending festivities, spicy food, exotic travels and travails is amusing to say the least.

She claims to have discovered herself in this deeply spiritual country. Find her here in the Diary of a White Indian Housewife..

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