It is now difficult for me to think of a time without the sleek and trendy gadgets that keep us connected all the time. We talk and chat using laptops, cells and palm-top devices while eating, sleeping, walking, driving and other activities. It is multi-tasking at its best and those who master this art are the most successful in today's fast-paced world.
The technology companies continously innovate to cater to the constantly-changing tastes of the people. It is a mad scramble amongst these companies to market the most tiny, fully-enabled gizmos. In the same way, we are over-enthusiastic to own these shiny gadgets regardless of how useful it will be for us. It is a matter of prestige to own the latest equipments and accessories. The companies target their advertisements on the youth because they are the most faithful consumers in this technology-crazy world.
I always wonder whether being connected all the time is really good for our lives. It surely has its benefits. The word 'global village' denotes the advances in information & communication technology. Time and distance are not a factor anymore. People telecommute to work everyday and that can bring considerable ease to the quality of life. Companies conduct business around the world from any location and business booms from this kind of networking.
Everybody has the power of knowledge since information dessimination is so easy over the internet. The internet is also relatively inexpensive and that increases the strength of this medium. It is possible to connect to any remote corner of the earth and communicate with anyone from anywhere. The internet is powerful, unique and is now a global phenomenon. Cell phones are a rage across nationalities and beyond race barriers. Everybody is connected and can be reached all the time.
It is hard to imagine that all this was a novelty just a few years ago. Land phones were most common and cordless phones were considered advanced. This was the time that people could conveniently slip-away for some solitude without any disturbances. There was a structure to life then since work was in office and did not follow into home. We concentrated on what we were doing at present and not on the blabbering over the phone. The family dinners were without the annoying mobile ring tones and mid-nights without the flickering monitor of the laptop.
Moving back to that leisurely life-style of yesteryears is not advisable or even possible now. Life is all too advanced and there is a formidable urge to be connected. The pros of communication technology definitely outweighs the cons. The increased reach of technology, information access, faster exchange of ideas and ease of conducting business make this boom worth the effort.
Sometimes, I think of those times when I had to wait patiently for hours for half an hour usage of internet. I also wonder about the slow and broken internet connectivity we used to have and it seemed like ages for a page to load. I remember the obsolete, bulky computers I used to practice in schools. I remember queuing infront of the public-phone booth for making that weekly call home while away in college. Then, I am puzzled to realize that it was all just a few years ago and so many changes have happened in very little time. It also dawns on me that technology is being updated at such a fast pace and that the future holds so many surprises and promises.
1 comment:
I got an iPod Nano yesterday :-)
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