"The strength of women comes from the fact that psychology cannot explain us. Men can be analyzed, women... merely adored." - Oscar Wilde
She is a mother, a sister, a friend, a wife, a nurse, a nurturer and so much more. She has diverse talents and forges relationships with others. She can connect well and is emotionally sensitive to the needs of those around her. She is often lost in thoughts and has powerful dreams. She wins great praise with her feminine grace and gentle words. After all, she is a woman and she is not weak at all.
There were days when women were considered delicate. It is not so anymore since women have proved their mettle repeatedly. Traditional roles of women have slowly wilted and they now occupy the coveted spots in all spheres of life. Condoleeza Rice, the United States Secretary-General, advises the top executive of the United States. Her movements are fodder for the papparazzi and her words are resounded all across the globe. Oparah Winfrey, a celebrated talk-show host, won accolades for opening a school for the under-privileged children of South Africa. All eyes are set on Hillary Clinton, a US Senator, as she prepares to tackle the presidential election. These women exude the courage, determination, versatility and the humanitarian facets of the female personna.
Very few men can match the emotional-sensitivity and the warm nature of women. Most women can sense other people's difficulties without a single word spoken. This is an amazing intrisic trait of women that makes her excel in her traditional roles as wives, sisters, daughters and friends. Women in the medical profession use this innate ability to patiently care for the sick. Those in the teaching profession form strong bonds with the students to effectively guide and mentor.
Besides all this, women are clever and crafty. They are gifted with foresight and can see clearly through others intentions. This warm, charming but intelligent mix is a deadly but efficient combination. There is no question as to women being the "weaker sex" any more. The feminine spirit is unconquered and indomitable.
Here is a salute to women all over the world on "International Women's Day", a day dedicated in honour of the phenomenon called 'Woman'. All you need to do is just look around you to catch a glimpse of this amazing species. They are everywhere but conveniently blend into the background. Yet, they make their presence felt throughout with unparalled simplicity and kindness.
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