People often find it difficult to reach contentment even when they are richly blessed. There are reports of celebrities committing suicide or falling into long years of drug abuse despite their riches. This proves that unlike the popular perception, money has very little to do with satisfaction.
So is there a short cut to happiness? Here are some tips that I follow to keep moving towards the happier end of the road.
1. Never compare with others.
This is a golden rule. Remember that your brain tricks you into believing that ‘the grass is always green on the other side’. If you compare, you will always end up feeling short. Then there is a mad scramble to catch up and try to beat someone else. You are never going to catch up just because this feeling is just a figment of your imagination. Be inspired through the lives of people who have conquered odds but always remember that you can only be yourself.
2. Count your blessings.
I used to be overly concerned about what I did not have. Before long, I realized that this was eating away my pie of happiness. I also found out that I have so many obvious blessings that I took for granted just because I focused more on what my friends or cousins have. Instead, I now concentrate on my blessings especially my family, friends and my circumstances. This is a sure way to happiness as it alleviates a whole lot of misery.
3. There is joy in giving.
I have noticed that I feel most happy whenever I am able to give. Of course there is joy in receiving but there is much more of it while giving. A thoughtful gift or a word to someone in need is a sure step to happiness.
4. Help those who are in need.
There is a huge mental satisfaction when you are involved in helping others. There is something alluring in being of assistance to others. I found a lot of pleasure in helping others with studies during my college days. Many of my juniors in college came to me for advice. I was so happy to realize that I was a source of inspiration for them.
5. Prioritize
I have seen many people obsessed with their careers. Most of them find very little time for family and friends. I feel sorry for them since I am sure that they will come to a point of regret sometime at the end of their productive lives. This points to one of the most important rules of life - prioritize. If you make sure that you have time for others, others will surely find you in your hour of need.
The busy executive will never realize that his wife is continuously building up negative thoughts in her mind. The overly busy mother will never realize that there is less of her in her child’s life. It is a vicious circle. So, make time for your friends and family before time runs out.
6. Think before you act.
Most unpleasant actions can be avoided by triggering the thought process. There was a time when I was quick to react. I would blow my fuse every time someone disagreed with me. It took me some time and a lot of interaction with different types of people to realize that slow to anger is a sure key to success.
7. Experience positive vibes.
The first thing that comes to my mind when I think of a possible course of action is all that could go wrong after implementing it. I would have a short bout of imagination where all these wrong effects haunted me as demons. Fortunately, I have now realized that much of it is due to negative feelings. I now try to fill myself with positive images that reinforce a positive outcome. Needless to say, that works well.
8. Manage your desires.
Ambitions are a part of life but desires have a tiny role. Desires magnify emotions and point to inadequacies. I would consider having a meaningful career as an ambition but trying to outsmart others for that undeserved promotion is more of pursuing a desire. Manage those desires before they manage your life!
9. Don’t aim for revenge.
I used to keep a count of the wrongs that others did to me. This was before I came to know the power of ‘letting go’. Otherwise, the counts keep increasing as well as negative needs for revenge. I don’t aim for revenge anymore or keep a track of those who have wronged me. This is a sure step towards happiness.
10. Be yourself!
There is magic in believing that you are unique. I know that I am a person with a difference with distinct abilities and needs. I carry this positive reassurance throughout my journey of life. This realization will pave your path to success.
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